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Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine represent a whole approach to both the management of disease and the maintenance of health.
Acupuncture is the stimulation of points to encourage the flow and functions of Qi (similar to homeostasis) leading to health and wellness.
When we are healthy, Qi and blood flow through the body along channels connecting the surface of the body with the internal organs. If the flow of Qi and blood is blocked in any way or there is a lack, then the body will have difficulty remaining in balance, hence the development of pain and/or ill heath. The flow of Qi and blood can become imbalanced through a number of factors including lifestyle, poor nutrition, overwork, weather and environmental conditions, hereditary factors, trauma, stress/anxiety, and infections.
Acupuncture points are specific sites on a channel where the flow of Qi can be influenced and stimulated. Channels are an invisible network linking vital substances to organs and carrying nourishment and strength. Channels unify all parts of the body which is essential to remaining in a harmonious balance.
By inserting fine needles into the body’s channels, an acupuncturist can stimulate the body’s own healing response which in turn helps to restore its natural balance.
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